Workshop proposal at the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2022) – Milano (Italy)

Workshop proposal at the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2022) – Milano (Italy)

Workshop proposal at the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2022) – Milano (Italy)

S. Trovarello (UniBO), M. Dragoman (IMT), L. Pierantoni (UnivPM). Reconfigurable radiofrequency circuits based on ferroelectric materials. 25-30 September, 2022 / Milano-Italy

Workshop proposal at the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2022) – Milano (Italy)

Workshop proposal at the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2022) – Milano (Italy)

Organizers: S. Trovarello (UniBO), M. Dragoman (IMT), L. Pierantoni (UnivPM)

Title: Reconfigurable radiofrequency circuits based on ferroelectric materials

Abstract: We will present the main state-of-the-art solutions based on ferroelectric materials, which include devices such as energy harvesters, low-power detectors, radiofrequency (RF) filters, antenna arrays and so on. The use of devices made using ferroelectric materials have significant advantages over traditional tunable devices based on semiconductors. Ferroelectric devices have considerably superior tuning capability to semiconductor-based competitors, moreover ferroelectric devices do not present forward bias conduction, a problem that becomes very present in semiconductor solutions when the input signal has high power. One of the main goals of the workshop will also be to provide a detailed analysis on the properties, design rules, electromagnetic simulations of ferroelectric materials and non-linear modelling procedures, with particular attention to nanoscale solutions also compatible with modern CMOS technologies.

Date/Place: 25-30 September, 2022 / Milano-Italy

Website of the event:

Project Coordinator: Dr Mircea MODREANU, Tyndall National Institute (TNI), University College Cork | Privacy Policy