Exploring the effect of Yttrium as dopant agent in HfO2 polymorphs: a DFT based study

A first principle assessment at atomistic scale of interface phenomena in down scaling hafnium based metal-insulator-metal diodes

A first principle assessment at atomistic scale of interface phenomena in down scaling hafnium based metal-insulator-metal diodes

Eleonora Pavoni, Elaheh Mohebbi, Luca Pierantoni, Davide Mencarelli, Pierluigi Stipa, Emiliano Laudadio. “Exploring the effect of Yttrium as dopant agent in HfO2 polymorphs: a DFT based study”. IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology 2022 (NANO2022) July 04-08 Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Exploring the effect of Yttrium as dopant agent in HfO2 polymorphs: a DFT based study

Authors: Eleonora Pavoni, Elaheh Mohebbi, Luca Pierantoni, Davide Mencarelli, Pierluigi Stipa, Emiliano Laudadio, Ancona (Italy).

Title: “Exploring the effect of Yttrium as dopant agent in HfO2 polymorphs: a DFT based study”.

Conference information: NANO 2022 is the 16th conference in the series organised under the auspices of the International Committee on Nanostructured Materials (ICNM) every two years. It will also be a good opportunity for the nanocommunity to improve the development of the technologies related to nanostructured materials.

The NANO 2022 congress will be a face-to-face congress, not a hybrid congress, so the virtual presence of attendees is not contemplated.

Date/Place: July 04-08 Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Website of the event: https://nano2022.org.es/

Project Coordinator: Dr Mircea MODREANU, Tyndall National Institute (TNI), University College Cork | Privacy Policy